Rendered Interiors. Exclusive Designs.
RI Studio is an industry-leading residential design firm specializing in high-end residential interiors, remodels, and design-build custom homes.
Their reach extends from Dallas and the surrounding areas including McKinney, Frisco, Prosper, and even remote lakehouses.
Many of their projects have won industry awards as well as features in local and national publications.
Terra earned a bachelor’s in interior design and a minor in architecture and has worked with highly respected firms in Dallas and Houston.
Her extensive construction knowledge not only sets her apart from other interior designers, it equips her to focus on the details that others overlook while overseeing her projects
from conception through construction and final furnishings. Terra is known for her imaginative residential and commercial spaces and her ability to blend architectural elements with
bespoke details that result in timeless and elevated designs that are unique to each client. Throughout her enviable career, she garnered an extensive portfolio spanning from Texas to Washington, D.C.